Airnav - Thurmond Airport AOPA - Thurmond Airport Skyvector - Thurmond Airport (enter NM12 into search window)
Tripadvisor - Animas, NM Friends of Cave Creek Canyon YouTube - "Animas NM"
Skyvector - Thurmond Airport Google Maps - Thurmond Airport
Windy - Thurmond Airport Windy - Playas Airstrip (NM86) , 14 miles E of NM12 Meso West Weather 24hr history for F7942, 8 miles S of NM12 To find hundreds of remote stations, click on MesoWest New Mexico, set Network to "All Networks" and refresh NOAA Weather link
NOTAMS (enter NM12 into window) Special Use Airspace (TFR, Restricted, MOA)
YouTube - "Thurmond Airport NM"