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Date: 5/15/2024
Subject: NMPA Annual Membership Meeting, June 15, 2024 - Moriarty Airport (0E0)
From: New Mexico Pilots Association

NMPA Annual Membership Meeting

Moriarty Airport (0E0) Pilots Lounge, 9:30am - 11:00
Saturday, June 15, 2024
NMPA Website
9:30   - 11:00AM  NMPA Annual Membership Meeting,
                           Moriarty Airport (0E0) Pilots Lounge
11:00 - Noon        Social Hour (NMPA Board will hold a brief meeting)

Noon  - ???           Lunch at Commemorative Airforce Hangar Burger Lunch
                                   (Members lunch paid by NMPA)
The Annual NMPA Membership Meeting starts at 9:30am in the Moriarty Pilot Lounge/Terminal Building.  It will include the election of officers.  Committee reports covering last year's activities and plans for the coming year will be presented.
Come see how this outfit operates and add your two cents. We welcome one and all to the NMPA Annual Membership Meeting.  The Membership business meeting will last about 1.5 hours.  Following the business meeting, we adjourn to a social hour, however the NMPA Board will hold a brief meeting. 
One of the items of business is to approve minutes from the last Annual Meeting. To view them, click on this link: NMPA Annual Meeting, June 24, 2023

Participants are invited to the Commemorative Air Force hangar burger lunch on the east end of the field, courtesy of NMPA.
President John Lorenz
New Mexico Pilots Association


Nominating Committee Report

A Nominating Committee was appointed to recommend to the membership a slate of officers for the 2-year term starting July 1, 2024. Committee members are Joyce Woods, Ken Summers, and John Lorenz.

Recommended Officer slate:

            President – Ken Summers

            Vice President – Mark Campbell

            Secretary - Jeff Gilkey

            Treasurer – Brad Gabel

Board positions are filled by the Board of Directors.  Potential candidates identified by the committee for three open positions are:  Ron Keller, John Lorenz, Rod Billingsley, and Blaine Roeder.

The Nominating Committee has identified potential candidates for each open position but self-nominations and/or nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting are welcomed.

If you are unable to participate, consider assigning your proxy vote to an active member who will participate since a quorum is needed.  Send your proxy by email to us at

Sample Proxy:
  I, <your name> hereby assign my proxy for the
June 15, 2024 Annual Membership Meeting
to <name of person you assign> to vote on my behalf. 
Signed, <your signature>   (Typed electronic signature is accepted.)
Or if you prefer, attend virtually via the Zoom.  Use the link at the bottom of this email.
If you have difficulties joining the meeting, send an emai  to
Following the business meeting, we adjourn to a social hour, however the NMPA Board will hold a brief meeting. 
NM Pilots is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NMPA Annual Meeting
Time: Jun 15, 2024 09:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 5788 2844
Passcode: 121265


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Meeting ID: 859 5788 2844
Passcode: 121265

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New Mexico Pilots Association
P.O. Box 94512
Albuquerque, NM  87199