Once again, our aviation ally Bill Soules has introduced a bill to support the transition to unleaded aviation fuel. SB 79 was given a "do pass" recommendation by the Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee and has advanced to the Senate Finance Committee. The bill can be found at
https://www.nmlegis.gov/Legislation/Legislation?chamber=S&legtype=B&legno=79&year=25. It will offer grants of up to $200,000 to public airports for the "sole purpose of installing an unleaded aviation fuel dispensing system or otherwise providing unleaded aviation fuel" that does not already provide unleaded fuel. The funds will not expire.
The members of the Finance Committee are George Munoz (chair), Benny Shendo, Jr., Craig Brandt, Pete Campos, Roberto "Bobby" Gonzales, Steve Lanier, Michael Padilla, Jeff Steinborn, Nicole Tobiassen, Linda Trujillo, and Pat Woods.